Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Film Body Counts #3: The Mummy (1999)

Main Hero: Rick O’Connell
7 (Arab horsemen)
5 (Magi on the boat, 1 by fire)
4 (Magi at campsite)
1 (“Imhotep”* sword after being made mortal again)
Total 17

Main Villain: High Priest Imhotep “The Mummy”
1 (“Pharaoh Seti I” also stabbed by “Anck-Su-Namun”)
4 (bearers locusts)
1 (American “Mr. Burns” sucked dry)
2 (Cairenes fire from the sky)
1 (Egyptologist “Dr. Allen Chamberlain”)
1 (American “Mr. Henderson” sucked dry)
1 (American “Mr Daniels” sucked dry)
1 (British pilot “Captain Winston Havlock” plane crash)
Total 12

1 (“Anck-Su-Namun” dagger by own hand)
9 (priests mummified alive)
1 (“Imhotep”* buried alive with flesh eating scarabs)
22 (French Foreign Legionaries)
26 (Arab horsemen)
2 (Magi by Americans on the boat)
4 (Magi by Americans at the campsite)
1 (Magi by “Evelyn Carnahan” at the campsite)
1 (Magi by “Jonathan Carnahan” at the campsite)
3 (Bearers by Magi at the campsite)
3 (Bearers melted by acid)
1 (Prison warden “Gad Hassan – smelly guy” by running head first into a wall tormented by flesh eating scarab)
7 (plague victims by American)
7 (plague victims by “Dr Terrence Bey”)
1 (“Dr Terrence Bey” by plague victims)
1 (“Beni” flesh eating scarabs)
Total 90

Grand total 119 (not counting mummies or general already-dead-creatures)

*“Imhotep” is counted twice as he dies before he becomes “The Mummy” and after “The Mummy” is made mortal again by “Jonathan Carnahan” reading from “The Book of Amon-Ra” this counts as two deaths, however, the mummies of “Imhotep’s” priests do not count twice as they are already dead.

Note: The Film Body Counts only count the characters that are killed on screen, not those that are shown as bodies i.e. the aftermath of a battle when the ground is covered in bodies these are not counted, I have only counted those that we see getting killed during the battle.


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