Start your own public sector
Theres me in my tree house.
I need a computer - outsource to company, they provide IT support through another skilled temp agency, who sits next to me
Now there two of us we need a facilities person to make sure the tree house it up to standard etc
I need a security guard to protect my computer
I now need someone to do my website, they can also be the fire officer
Tree house is getting crowded
I need a human resources person to look after my growing staff needs
They all need feeding, need catering manager, and a chef, and someone to work the cash register
I now need a cleaner
So many staff I now need someone to manager them as its taking too much time
They need a support officer
Now we're getting bigger I need a logo and someone to manage my brand, so a design person can join in
The tree house is now too crowded so I need to rent somewhere else, I'll move my IT department and the person who does the phones and internet connection into the shed
I now need a post team to manage the correspondence between my head office and the shed
And someone to manage the finance cost of the postage and travel between the offices
They need support
And I need another HR person to sort out the pensions and wages
An a union rep to stop me sacking them all
I need a computer - outsource to company, they provide IT support through another skilled temp agency, who sits next to me
Now there two of us we need a facilities person to make sure the tree house it up to standard etc
I need a security guard to protect my computer
I now need someone to do my website, they can also be the fire officer
Tree house is getting crowded
I need a human resources person to look after my growing staff needs
They all need feeding, need catering manager, and a chef, and someone to work the cash register
I now need a cleaner
So many staff I now need someone to manager them as its taking too much time
They need a support officer
Now we're getting bigger I need a logo and someone to manage my brand, so a design person can join in
The tree house is now too crowded so I need to rent somewhere else, I'll move my IT department and the person who does the phones and internet connection into the shed
I now need a post team to manage the correspondence between my head office and the shed
And someone to manage the finance cost of the postage and travel between the offices
They need support
And I need another HR person to sort out the pensions and wages
An a union rep to stop me sacking them all